Submit Your Ideas

1/2 Personal Details

Please input Name
Please input Staff ID
Please choose a Region.
Please choose a Department.
Please choose Are you a frontline employee?
Please input Email
Please input Mobile Phone

2/2 Project Details

Please input Project Name.
Please choose Idea Category.
Please choose a Region.
Please choose a Department.
Please choose a Region.
Please input What is the challenge you wish to address?
Please input Give a brief summary of your idea.
Please input How does your idea answer this challenge?
Please input How does this idea benefit Company in terms of business?
Please input What are the major obstacles you expect to encounter, and how will you overcome them?
Please input Estimated Cost (conceptualisation to implementation)
Please iinput Estimated Cost (conceptualisation to implementation)
Please input estimate year
Please input estimate month
Please input numbers no more than 11
Please input estimate week
Please input numbers no more than 3
Please input which departments would you require support from?
Please input Which systems would your idea affect?
Please input Which/what type(s) of external vendors would you require support from?
Please input list out any other resources you may require?
Please input list out any other relevant supplementary information?
You can upload more than 1 file (Word,Excel,PPT,PDF,JPG,PNG,GIF)